Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome to Big Easy Dreaming

Welcome to my new blog!  I've always loved travel writing, and I had a wonderful time writing my Peace Corps blog http://micronesiandreaming.blogspot.com/ that detailed life on the small island of Yap in Micronesia.  Now, 4 years later, I'm finally home.  I live and work in New Orleans, I got married, bought a house, have two huskies... all that is missing is the white picket fence and 2.5 kids, haha.  Fortunately, white picket fences aren't my style and the kids will come later, but for now life is all about making the best of this incredible city.  New Orleans, post-Katrina....it's incredible watching the city come back to life day by day, little by little.  In the three years we've lived here, we've witnessed so much growth and positive change.  Sure, as everyone knows, New Orleans is plagued by an incredibly high violent crime rate, but this is far outweighed by the insane amount of culture this unique city has to offer.  From the food, the music, the art, and the people... this place is unlike anywhere else, and I'm happy to be a part of the rebirth of this infamous city.  

I'm also a part of this city's educational experiment.  New Orleans has always had a reputation for having one of the worst public school systems in the country.  The solution to fixing this problem was to create the "Recovery School District" after Hurricane Katrina shut down every school in the city.  Now, the city's schools, all but about 10 district run schools, are being run by multiple charter school companies and organizations.  Each school has its' own ideas about how to "fix" the educational problem, and slowly some schools are helping bring up student achievement and pride in New Orleans education.  I've been part of this experiment for the past three years, teaching in a trailer campus at a charter school in New Orleans East, an area of the city that has come back the least from the devastation of Katrina.  It's been an eye opening experience.  I've seen good and I've seen bad.  I've watched students succeed, and others slip through the cracks.  I have high hopes for the future of education in this city, but I'm here to say we have a long, long way to go before we're anywhere close to fixing this cities educational problems.  But, that's not what this blog is about. 

 Rather, I just thought it important to bring a little background to just who it is that is writing this blog.  I'm not your typical elementary teacher type... yes, that is me in the picture... yes, that is my real hair... no, I don't keep it that color when I'm teaching, just for the summer. I'm a teacher who loves teaching, and helping others, but that's not all I love... believe it or not... contrary to popular student belief...teachers have lives too outside the classroom.   I love piercings and tattoos, I love live music, I love sexy vampires, I love gardening, cooking, and crafting, and I love packing a small bag and exploring the world. So, that's what this blog is about.  I'll be sharing things from the other side of life as a teacher.. the "me time" side.  Recipes, homemade experiments and things, travel info,  life in the city, and lots lots more.  Maybe the occasional teacher based post, but mostly just a conglomeration of all the ridiculousness that makes up my crafty little world.  Hopefully I can share some tips, ideas, or info that others can use... or just a good read.  So please, sit back and enjoy, and then get up and try something.  If I can do it.. so can you!   

1 comment:

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